Planning Your Gift
Gifts in Wills and Estates

Making a gift in your will is simple and you still retain control of your assets. You can bequeath cash, securities, property or even a percentage of your estate. Your estate receives a charitable tax receipt that can decrease (or even eliminate) estate taxes. As you consider making a planned gift, you may wish to begin by having a conversation with your family and talk with your lawyer about creating or updating your will.
Gift of Life Insurance

A gift of life insurance can be a powerful legacy. You can donate a new policy or transfer an existing policy. You can choose to designate LungNSPEI as the owner and beneficiary, or name us as the beneficiary of your policy and retain ownership. As there are a variety of options when considering a gift of life insurance, there are also charitable tax benefits associated with each type. If you are considering a gift of life insurance, contact your insurance broker to have your questions answered.

Other types of planned gifts
There are other types of planned gifts. You can name LungNSPEI as the beneficiary of any RRSP, RRIF or TFSA accounts that you have. You can also gift properties, trusts, or annuities. This can include real estate, works of art, or jewellry.